Applied Microsystems Corp, Redmond, Washington has registered with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to go public with an initial offering of 2.35m shares, 1.5m of them new, and looks for net proceeds of at least $13.05m. The developer of tools for designing, debugging and testing embedded software, says it wants the cash for working capital, to repay debt, working capital and potential acquisitions. The underwriters for the share offering are Hambrecht & Quist and Needham & Co Inc.

Jabil Circuit Inc, St Petersburg, Florida contract manufacturer of circuit board assemblies and subsystems, has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to offer up to 3.45m shares, 2.5m of them new, to raise cash to reduce debt. The underwriters will be Unterberg Harris, Robinson-Humphrey Co Inc and Gerard Klauer Mattison & Co LLC.

Sync Research Inc, Irvine, California developer of Frame Relay and other internetworking systems for IBM Corp SNA users, has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to go public with an initial offer of 2.825m shares, 2m new, at a target price of $12 to $14 per share. It wants the $24m or so net proceeds for working capital. The underwriters are Robertson, Stephens & Co LP; Alex Brown & Sons Inc; and Wessels, Arnold & Henderson LLC.

VTel Corp, Austin, Texas maker of multimedia conferencing systems has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to offer up to 3.45m shares and plans to use estimated net proceeds of $68.9m for working capital and possible acquisitions or strategic investments. Underwriters are Piper Jaffray Inc, Robertson, Stephens & Co and Cowen & Co.