It’s becoming clear that investment information is the most promising vehicle with which to make viewdata services commercially viable in the US, and General Videtex Corp of Cambridge, Massachusetts will be putting up Vestor, an on-line stock market anaylsis database, on its Delphi personal computer network service within 30 days. The electronic database, developed by Investment Technologies Inc, of Edison, New Jersey, uses proprietary programs to evaluate more than 6,000 securities, and advises users on stock market decisions based on their chosen portfolio needs and criteria. Stock analysis programs are updated daily and weekly. The program provides actual buy and sell signals along with a forecast for particular stocks, projected highs and lows for the current trading week, short and long-term strength ratings, reward/risk ratios, fundamental rankings, technical ratings, self-interpreted charts, and other evaluations – reviewed daily and weekly by the computer – for 6,000 stocks, options, and futures. A Tellme program also provides a three-page plain English translation of the jargon on any particular stock requested. The service will cost Delphi subscribers $7.20 and hour for non-prime time access, $17.40 an hour in prime time access. General Videtex claims the service will provide subscribers with analytical data once available only to professional money managers.