Electronic Data Interchange has arrived in Italy courtesy of SEVA, the value-added services company, created in 1985 by Olivetti, SIP, Terpin and other financial partners, which has signed up with AT&T Co’s Istel in the UK to use the Edict software developed by Istel and launched in 1985. The software accounts for more than 1,000 users here in the UK and and is used in 100 other companies around the world. Use of Electronic Data Interchange in industry and distribution is seem in Italy as a means of achieving just-in-time manufacturing and delivery. In the tourist industry the technology is used for making reservations and selling packaged tours. The EDI service offered by SEVA is based on three fundamental components: data transmission, a Clearing Centre and support for customers. SEVA has 36 access and distribution nodes around the country and has established the Clearing Centre, running the Edict software, close to its base; the Centre will be linked to Istel’s Clearing Centre to join the AT&T company’s international network. SEVA claims that the system cuts costs, enhances commercial transactions between businesses and improves competitiveness.