DMG Radio (Australia) Pty Ltd today announced that it has settled the legal proceedings brought by its wholly owned subsidiary DMG Regional Radio Pty Ltd against Austereo Pty Ltd, its executive chairman Peter Harvie, Turnbull Porter Novelli (Melbourne) Pty Ltd and its former director and employee Ken Davis.

DMG was the target of more than 50 bogus letters sent to the media, parliamentarians, regulators and others by Ken Davis. Those letters were in false names and were intended to give the impression that they represented the views of genuine people, the purpose of the letters was to denigrate and injure DMG.

Austereo and Peter Harvie acknowledge that at all relevant times Turnbull Porter Novelli was a public relations adviser to Austereo and Ken Davis was the person at Turnbull Porter Novelli responsible for the account of Austereo.

Ken Davis admits that he wrote and sent the bogus letters in false names. He also acknowledges that the various allegations contained in the bogus letters were without foundation and no regard should be had to them by the media, parliamentarians, regulators and others.

Ken Davis unreservedly apologises to DMG and to its parent Daily Mail and General Trust plc. He also apologises to all the people he has misled.

Turnbull Porter Novelli had no knowledge whatsoever of Ken Davis’ activities connected with the letter writing campaign and reiterates the unreserved apology that was made when it first learnt of these matters. Turnbull Porter Novelli unreservedly reiterates and apologises to DMG and to its parent Daily Mail and General Trust plc for the actions of its former director and employee, and regrets the damage suffered by DMG.

Austereo and Peter Harvie acknowledge that Ken Davis wrote and sent the bogus letters understanding them to be in furtherance of his brief to advance the interests in Austereo.

Austereo and Peter Harvie regret the damage and inconvenience suffered by DMG and by its parent Daily Mail and General Trust plc arising out of the actions of Ken Davis. They also regret that the recipients of the letters were misled. They believe that no regard should be had to the contents of these letters because they were bogus letters.

DMG has received a substantial payment in respect of damages and costs.

A copy of this statement has been sent by the parties to all of the identifiable recipients of the bogus letters.

DMG, Austereo, Peter Harvie, Turnbull Porter Novelli and Ken Davis have agreed to discontinue the legal proceedings.