Sequent Computer Systems Inc has announced joint efforts with Informix Software Inc and Sybase Inc’s wholly-owned subsidiary, SQL Solutions, to enhance the application development environment of its Symmetry 2000 computers. This is the first in a series of steps Sequent proposes to take to evolve its software engineering strategy for high-end, relational database applications. Through the Informix alliance, Sequent will offer a graphics-based tool integration environment incorporating Informix OpenCase/ToolBus, which is based on Hewlett-Packard Co’s Softbench software. The new Sequent product will also integrate tools from a number of third-party developers, the first being from SQL Solutions. The completed product, which will enable users to develop and deploy large database applications on a single system, says Sequent, should be attractive to organisations currently using workstations for development and larger systems for testing and production. The Informix-to-Symmetry 2000 implementation will result in an object-oriented integration framework providing a common graphic interface to application development tools from multiple vendors. It will also include a programming mechanism that enables the customisation of the tool environment. The product will take advantage of Sequent’s symmetric multiprocessing architecture, notably X Window and Motif graphical user interface support, so that users will be able to not only build powerful X-based applications, but also develop them on a variety of graphics terminals. The SQL Solutions products to be incorporated in the Sequent environment include fourth generation languages, cross-database debuggers and report writers.