Sequent Computer Systems Inc came in just under the consensus of $0.44 for its fourth quarter earnings, reporting net income of $19.1m up 66% on $2.51m last time on revenue up 41% at $258.53m compared with $183.24m last time. Earnings per share were $0.42. For the year Sequent reported net income up 397% at $38.68m compared with $7.77m on revenue which increased 40% to $833.88m from $595.36m. Sales of its ccNUMA NUMA-Q systems which first shipped in December 1996 represented more than half of 1997’s first half revenue and more than 81% in the fourth quarter. Sequent says it’ll be able to support Unix and NT on a single node with shared resources by mid-1998. It says fourth quarter revenue from sales above $0.5m rose by 80% over last year. Half of these are $1m-plus contracts, 13 of them worth more than two million. It’s eying a $1bn-plus revenue in 1998.