Sequent Computer Systems Inc has an agreement with Addamax Corp for the development of high level security for Sequent’s Symmetry line of parallel processors, which should enable the company to achieve a B1 security rating as specified by the Department of Defense Orange Book. Under the agreement, the Beaverton, Oregon company has licensed Addamax’s B1st Trusted Unix conversion kit to develop the secure systems capability for Dynix, the Sequent implementation of Unix for its multiple Intel 80386-based line of systems. Addamax provides source code, automated test suites, configuration management tools, documentation and engineering assistance during the development of the security features – and will also provide support for Sequent during the necessary US Government certification process at the NSA’s National Computer Security Center. Addamax, from Champaign in Illinois, markets both the B1st Trusted Systems Kit and the B1st Trusted Network Architecture kit: in Europe it recently announced that London’s The Instruction Set Ltd would be its exclusive agent.