Beaverton, Oregon-based Sequent Computer Systems Inc says the rise in its profits for the year to January 2 is a result of restructuring, and a re-focus on high-end business. The firm’s fourth quarter net profits were $6.3m – up from $1m last time and profits for the year were $14.5m, against losses of $48.7m last time; turnover rose 44% to $307m. Sequent’s consultancy services for users contributed $15.6m to turnover. Sequent claims an installed base of over 4,000 machines worldwide. European turnover was $100m for the year, which accounted for nearly a third of Sequent’s total sales. UK turnover grew by 75% to UKP47.7m with the installed base topping the 600 mark – Sequent UK firm shipped 30 top-end Symmetry 2000/750 system in 1992. Sequent’s escape from the doldrums was also secured by alliances with software vendors such as Oracle Corp and Ingres Corp, according to Mark Miller, Sequent UK’s marketing director. The company recently raised $60m in capital via a share offering to fund increased research and development efforts, including its Microsoft Corp Windows NT-based systems announced last week (CI No 2,088).