Sequent Computer Systems Inc says it will take a hit of between $15m to $20m against its fourth quarter figures to cover the cost of making 75 – the equivalent of 5% – staff redundant in the US and writing down the value of pre-paid software licences (CI No 2,330). The Beaverton, Oregon firm has closed two sales offices, which it said were no longer economically viable, and shed some employees from head office. No staff will go in Europe. The charge will wipe out the company’s operating profit, estimated at between $13.9m and $15.6m for the year. Sequent has also restructured its US operations into two divisions: the Enterprise division, a direct corporate sales arm that will also add value to Sequent’s basic multiprocessor offerings by going outside the company where required; and the Platform division, which has responsibility for general development and manufacturing work, OEM procurement and OEM sales. At the top, Roger Cooper, vice-president worldwide field operations, and Michael Simon, vice-president business development are to leave. The new line-up leaves Mark Miller as vice-president enterprise marketing and partner management; John McAdam, senior vice-president European and Asian operations; Larry Evans, vice-president and general manager system division; Joe Marvin, vice-president sales enterprise division; Paul Gifford, vice-president architecture and engineering enterprise division; Paul O’Mara, vice-president enterprise and customer services; Dave Gunderson, vice-president sales system division; and Casey Powell (chairman and chief executive), who will act as general manager of the enterprise division until that position is filled. Sequent’s European operations are not affected. In a separate move, the UK office has set up a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Open Education, which began trading on January 1. Open Education is an autonomous unit that offers training and education services to non-Sequent customers for the first time. It will focus particularly on courses providing Microsoft Corp’s Windows NT skills, but will also cover Oracle, Ingres, Informix, Hoskyns and personal computer training.