Social media marketing and search engine optimization company SEO has introduced new service to help small, medium and large businesses (SMEs) grow and stimulate their social communities, increase SEO traffic and build companies’ online reach.

SEO’s social media management services are focused on blogging, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and niche social sites.

The company claims the social media management service generates search and social media referral traffic to website and increases the size of social communities while growing brand recognition across the web.

SEO Social Media director John Lincoln said the company will set up and manage blog and social communities there by liberating small and medium businesses from having to figure things out as they go, letting concentrate on running businesses.

"We are taking the load off in-house marketing teams and offering a service that Google recommends. These services are an exciting addition to the viral marketing, creative link building and social media optimization services we already offer in this department of our digital agency," said Lincoln.