On the back of dismal year-end results, Sega Enterprises Ltd has said that is planning to produce games for other machines and will invest further in an effort to kick-start sales of its Dreamcast consoles. At the end of April, Sega predicted it would post losses $378m for FY98, because of the poor performance of its new console and its arcade division.

Company president Shoichiro Irimajiri, in an interview with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, said that the company was looking at producing titles for the Nintendo Game Boy handheld as a way of opening up additional revenue streams. However, he doubted that the company would be producing games for the Dreamcast’s direct rivals, the Sony Playstation and the N64 console.

Sega will also invest an additional $306.1m in the overseas launch of the Dreamcast, spending the money on advertising and building up a user network in the US and Europe. In Japan, the console now sells less than the Playstation and the N64. The firm is predicting a $163.9m loss for 1999.