It turns out that Seek Systems Inc, Bothall, Washington, licensed its Adaptive RAID technology from Borg Adaptive Technologies Inc two years ago, and promptly trademarked the name. Borg was acquired last week by Lake Mary, Florida-based nStor Corp, the former Connor Peripherals (CI No 3,396), and nStor plans to market its products as the next generation RAID. Since then the two products have followed a different development path. Seek says that it incorporated the technology into its own controller box, and added its existing caching technology to the product. It believes that nStor will implement the product into a single board configurations that will tie it into the Windows NT market, while Seek sells to the Unix market, as well as to NT, using its external controller. The idea of automatically configurable RAID is now starting to catch on, with Hewlett-Packard Co’s AutoRAID product similar in concept, but not in implementation, to the Seek and nStor products. Seek says it’s talking to nStor about the use of the Adaptive RAID name in order to reach an amicable settlement.