Andy Philpott, VP for EMEA at the company, said it would be moving to integrate some of the compliance capabilities of the CipherTrust IronMail product with its own WebWasher line. That’s quite straightforward, and is something that we expect to be able to do quite soon, he said. We want to build a complete compliance suite for web and mail that will also handle data leakages across any inbound or outbound traffic stream.

He also indicated that the reputation database developed by CipherTrust for its IronMail mail gateway would be quickly integrated into the WebWasher secure content management suite.

There are no announcements yet that flesh out the impact on product development or the company’s go-to-market plans post-merger, however.

Philpott was able to confirm that revenues from the IronMail and WebWasher portfolios would make a substantial part of the overall business, and that trade in Europe and the US federal government had been flagged as offering the most potential for growth.

The acquisition of CipherTrust sees Secure pay $185m in cash, 10 million Secure shares, and a $10m performance-related note.

CipherTrust sells appliances for filtering spam and viruses from email, web and instant messaging traffic.The deal broadens Secure Computing’s portfolio of perimeter security devices out from its firewall/VPN roots to the secure content management arena. It also puts the company squarely on the market map of the small and mid-sized enterprise security market, said Philpott.

Jay Chaudhry, former CEO and founder of CipherTrust becomes chief strategy officer for Secure Computing, while 28-year old Paul Judge, former chief technology officer of CipherTrust, will retain the CTO position in the enlarged group.