SD-Scicon UK, which has just fallen under new ownership in the shape of Electronic Data Systems Corp, has been awarded a facilities management contract by Lloyd’s of London Press. The agreement is based on tariff-driven charges rather than the conventional cost plus a percentage rate, which means that Lloyds is paying for usage rather than availability, and cost will depend on the type of information being processed. SD-Scicon will assume responsibility for the Lloyd’s data processing facility, currently in Colchester and about to relocate to Milton Keynes. The centre is a Digital Equipment Corp VAX facility, ranging from the VAX-11/750 to the VAX 6320 and SD-Scicon will be responsible for network links between Milton Keynes, London and the other information points. Under the contract, the 17 Lloyd’s data processing staff have been offered jobs with SD-Scicon. The VAXes collect data on all aspects of world shipping from 1,800 ports and harbours via the Lloyd’s Agents network, and the data is processed, and disseminated in various publications and on-line services.