Apple Computer Inc chairman – but no longer chief executive John Sculley told the Agenda 94 conference in Scottsdale, Arizona that Apple will be in a very strong position over the next several months and hinted that recent price cuts have improved its flagging sales volume; according to the San Jose Mercury News, he generally praised the results of the two-year-old collaboration with IBM Corp although he admitted that – as we have suspected for some time – he would have liked to have seen more tangible products from the alliance by now; he also indicated Apple might license the technology of its PowerPC Macintosh to other manufacturers when it becomes available next year – for Apple to be able to license any of its mainstream technology, it has to have a cost structure low enough so it can compete with its licensees, he said, asserting that that structure is now in place, giving Apple the possibility of licensing the technology out; significantly, he refused to discuss reports that he is a candidate for the top job at Eastman Kodak Co; although he has been living in Connecticut for several months and put his Woodside, California home up for sale, he still has not set up an office in Manhattan from which he has said he would conduct Apple business; he didn’t deny outright that he might leave, although he has previously denied published reports that he might take the top job at Kodak.