Scottish Water will be implementing ClickSoftware’s packaged solution for water companies. ClickSoftware for Water Utilities is a pre-configured application for handling all the different aspects that water and/or waste water companies are facing: from generation (water reservoirs), through infrastructure and distribution of the water, up to meter operations and meter reading.

The solution enables companies to effectively balance the costs of maintenance (pro-active work) and break-fix (reactive work). In addition, the solution creates the ability to provide service that is compliant with current regulations, while also allowing customers to do more with existing resources and in line with corporate service goals and objectives.

The introduction of dynamic, real-time optimized scheduling will enable the vast majority of scheduling decisions to be handled automatically. This will allow the dispatchers to focus on the exceptional cases that require human intervention. At the same time, Scottish Water will be able to provide their customers with a greater level of service via narrow appointment slots that they will be able to commit to.

As well as optimized scheduling and street level routing, they will also be deploying ClickAnalyze Reports which is a tool that will allow Scottish Water stakeholders to create real time operational performance reports, monitor field force performance in real time, control service operations, including service level, customer appointments, associated costs and service revenues. These reports can be produced by each stakeholder easily within minutes.

As part of the business transformation programme the ClickSoftware Water Package will be integrated to Scottish Water Work and Asset Management and CRM System. All planned maintenance as well as reactive work will be optimized. The solution is planned to be deployed across six business streams including Repair and Maintenance, Electrical and Mechanical, Network Service Operative, Choke Squads, Reinstatement, and Sludge Management.