Emeryville, California start-up Scopus Technology Inc, a potential competitor to Roger Sippl’s new company ProActive Software Inc, is peddling ProTeam, a client-server-based application designed to automate software houses and departments. ProTeam is said to integrate engineering, quality assurance, technical support and sales and marketing together in an enterprise-wide Sybase database of product and customer information. ProTeam modules now available include SupportTeam, for call tracking and customer support, QualityTeam, for bug tracking and quality control and ViewTeam, for graphical analysis. ProTeam services include notifying the right people when certain events occur, search and retrieval and custom report generation. ProTeam applications run on any X Window clients or any server capable of hosting Sybase including Hewlett-Packard Co’s, IBM’s, Sun Microsystems Inc’s and MIPS Technology Inc’s machines. Client licences cost less than $3,000 a user in typical configurations. A typical configuration supporting four technical people and 20 engineers would go for about $45,000, the company estimates.