Santa Cruz Operation Inc has unveiled internet-enabled versions of its Windows-to-Unix connectivity products as Vision97 (CI No 3,105). The suite includes the XVision Eclipse 7.01 PC X server; VisionFS 1.2 implementation of the Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that provides file and print sharing capabilities, from Unix servers to PCs; SQL-Retriever 4.1 database connectivity package which now allows Java applets to communicate with Unix SQL databases using JDBC; and TermVision 2.0 for web-enabling character-based applications with JavaScript- or VBScript-based front-end. They are installed on a central Unix server and can be distributed to clients and managed with SCO’s SuperVision systems management tools. Vision97 costs $400 per single user on a single CD – $14,750 for 50 users. Pricing for individual products remains unchanged. The suite runs on most Unixes. We’re still waiting for the company to describe how it will productize the any application-to-any client Tarantella middleware that it’s been talking about for some time now.