Scientists at Swansea University are researching how to combine GPS satellite navigation technology with digital music players to help pedestrians find their way around cities.

Walkers can program a destination into their music player, and then listen to songs while making their way there. When the user is heading the right way, music would play from both headphones. A shift in volume to the right or left ear would indicate a change in direction.

We’re looking at how we can use the music people are listening to in order to prompt them to take notice of things that might be of interest to them, said Dr Matt Jones, a senior lecturer in the department of computer science.

For instance, he continued, if your handheld device knows that the user likes art galleries, it can give a nudge when they’re in the vicinity of a gallery. The nudge would either be a physical tap or vibration from the device…If users ignore the hints, the device will stop nudging until it comes across something else of potential interest.

The university’s research is being funded with a grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).