Minisupercomputer developers are falling like autumn leaves, and the latest to exit the business is Scientific Computer Systems Inc, San Diego, which thought it was on to a sure thing with its SCS-40 minisuper, the key selling point for which was that it took Cray Research Inc’s operating software – the machine runs both the Cray operating environments – right down to a $500,000 entry price. The company has had to suspend operations at the SCS-40 division because its backers refused to come up with more money, and the company is now struggling to survive on the back of its embryonic VectorNet product line for very high-speed networking of high-end computers – but even for that it needs more cash and says it is looking for a partnership. The SCS-40 design team and some support staff have lost their jobs, but the company hopes to continue to support existing users. Staff is down to about 40, against 100 a year ago, and 180 at peak.