There were a few other reorganisational matters that Sun Microsystems Inc had to straighten out last week. It has taken the restless head of Sun Technology Enterprises Eric Schmidt, and given him the newly created position of chief technology officer responsible for the company’s core and emerging technologies. It has taken Sun Technology and all its middleware business and put it under SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander so that Sun’s software interests are now in the same reporting structure. Last but not least, it straightened out that brewing mess over at its chip arm, the Sparc Technology Business, which was on its second acting president, naming up-and-coming Chet Silvestri, its marketing chief, to run it on a permanent basis. Sparc Technology was also given planetary status. Silvestri, Schmidt and Zander all report to McNealy. The moves come not a moment too soon for Sun, which was starting to look as if it was practising management by inertia.