SceneExchange is an online community that brings vehicle owners with a need for collision repair together with collision repair shops that have the capacity to perform repairs in an insurer-backed, web-based service solution.

Insurers submit claims to Scene Exchange and one of SceneExchange’s 1,000+ independent appraisers nationwide is immediately placed on the job. The appraiser submits a damage appraisal, along with digital photographs of the damage into SceneExchange. Once received, the system alerts collision shops in the area that a new job is available, and invites the shops to place a cycle time bid for the number of calendar days in which the shop can complete the repair. These bids are then presented back to the consumer, along with information on the shop’s training, warranty policy, and feedback from other vehicle owners in the SceneExchange community that have used the shop in the past. The vehicle owner selects a shop to perform the repairs, and leaves feedback for the SceneExchange community on his or her experience with the shop, to aid the next vehicle owners in their selection.