The hotels division of Scandinavian Airlines System, SAS, has installed a real-time, networked reservation system at its Oslo headquarters on a Sequent Computer Systems Inc system running Unix, linked to its 25 hotels around the world, each of which has Tandem Computers LXN and EXT10 systems, for processing and network communication and links to other reservation systems. The EXT10 supports the first six layers of the Open Systems Interconnection model, and the seventh layer – which relates to applications software – resides on the Sequent multiprocessor. The company chose Tandem systems house Computer Business Consultants Ltd, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, to develop software enabling Tandem’s Guardian operating system on the EXT10 to communicate with Unix on the Sequent, and to offer multiple interfaces to the local and remote processors and databases – a file and transaction switching system known as Transport. It links to all the major airline networks and to Unix.