Privately-held SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina developer of the SASystem information delivery system, doesn’t want to disclose its profit and loss position, but says that turnover in 1992 rose 23.9% at $365.5m – the 16th consecutive year of double-digit growth. For 1992, Unix was the star performer, with sales up a dramatic 112% – but without knowing the base figure, that is not very helpful – if it went to $11.2m from $5.25m, it would still be pretty small beer. Revenue from SAS software on mainframes increased by 19%, while revenue for the SAS System under Digital Equipment Corp’s VMS and Ultrix rose almost 18%. Sales rose 18% in the MS-DOS, OS/2 and Windows markets and MS-DOS, OS/2 and Unix together accounted for 39% of all first-year licence fees, up from 34% in 1991 and 23% in 1990. For 1992, SAS Institute’s US revenue grew more than 23%, Canadian sales rose 16% and European operations saw a 26% increase while Asia/Pacific revenues grew about 22%. The company is looking for strong growth for 1993, fuelled by the upcoming production release of SAS/EIS, which adds an object-oriented development environment, thus offering users a code-free environment that consolidates the SAS System’s data access, management, analysis and presentation capabilities. It goes up first under MVS, VMS, OS/2 2.0 and Windows.