The privately held business intelligence and analytics software giant, which is headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, has introduced Retail Intelligence and Manufacturing Intelligence.

The applications come packed with pre-packaged reports, KPIs, and metrics specific to retail, distribution, and manufacturing firms. Domain expertise and best practices gleaned from SAS’ global user implementations in both sectors have been embedded into the analytic applications. For example, the Retail Intelligence application has pre-built models for analyzing various operational criteria including customer behavior and transactions, store and campaign promotion performance, and channel capacity. Forecasting and demand modeling tools are also provided.

The Manufacturing Intelligence application helps manufacturers improve their production efficiency and quality by monitoring and analyzing processes. Statistical forecasting tools are provided to optimize spare part inventories and manage warranty issues.

Both analytic applications are built on SAS’s core Enterprise Intelligence BI platform and optimized to run on Hewlett-Packard Co’s Integrity line of servers. SAS and HP have been close partners in Asia-Pacific region for over 20 years.