SAS has released its expanded analytics portfolio that the company says enables organisations in faster, better decision making by improving analysis of vast and growing amounts of data.

The SAS software upgrades help organisations scour "big data" through "big analytics" and data management to reveal hidden insights and produce better decisions, the company said.

Expedia US VP & general manager Joe Megibow said SAS predictive analytics and data mining analyse nearly 200 terabytes of customer and clickstream data in our data warehouse.

The new upgraded tool has features that help organisations tackle massive volumes of structured and unstructured data, including business transactions, social media, location and multimedia.

The company said business processes such as customer credit scoring, inventory optimisation and real-time risk management will benefit from increased precision.

SAS software upgrades offer greater scalability as new components can analyse even greater amounts of data; enhanced high-performance computing; increased productivity as new capabilities streamline analysis; and incorporate nontraditional data sources.

The upgrade includes enhancements to the following SAS product suites: SAS Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Suite; SAS Data Management; SAS Text Analytics; and SAS Forecasting.

SAS’s expanded analytics portfolio includes enhancements to SAS forecasting; new security and data integrity features in SAS Data Management; and a new rate making capability in SAS Enterprise Miner.

SAS also provides a framework for integrating analytics directly within operational systems to further speed decision making.