NCR yesterday launched Co-operation, its first software implementation, based on its Open Co-operative Computing Architecture. According to NCR, Co-operation integrates users, applications, information and networks using 54 different mainly third party – software modules. Core element is a new object-oriented software integration product called Mezzanine from Saros Corp of Bellevue, Washington, which Soros describes as a file management system, and looks for $70m from its deal with NCR. Co-operation will be made available on NCR’s new Intel-based System 3000 linebut will also be offered on other Intel-based MS-DOS, OS/2 and Unix machines. NCR says that Co-operation has been developed over the last two to three years using three basic concept: object-oriented technology; client-server technology; and open systems. The 54 modules are divided into four broad areas: information access services, giving users transparent access to other systems within the organisation; user services, which includes the user interface and various tools such as diary and scheduler intended to improve productivity; application services – described as the ‘heart and soul of Co-operation’, allowing users to integrate existing applications and rapidly develop new ones; and network services, providing local and wide area options. NCR claims that the new product is more than an office product but admits that getting the message across is going to be a hard marketing campaign and in readiness for this has instigated training courses throughout the company that are on an unprecedented scale in the history of the company. Most of the prod ucts are well-known in their own right – Open Desktop as the graphical operating environment, and Hewlett-Packard Co’s New Wave environment, but NCR declined to iden tify the products included in Co-operation. The OS/2 server version is set for early customer installation during November, with general customer availability in March 1991. The Unix System V.4 server version installation supporting MS-DOS clients will be available mid-1991. A 12-user configuration is around UKP12,000, 24-user, UKP20,000.