SAP and Capgemini have signed an agreeemnt to jointly develop a mobile sales execution application and a joint go-to-market plan for next five years.

The new deal focuses initially on the consumer products sector to design a mobile application for companies selling products through mobile direct store delivery with additional requirements for accelerated customer relationship management (CRM).

The joint application is planned to be based on Sybase Unwired Platform and aims to help customers reduce costs as welll as improve customer experience.

The joint team will leverage SAP’s back-end architecture, process consulting, custom development and technical optimisation capablities along with Capgemini’s mobile architecture design, implementation and hosting services capablities.

Empresas Polar CIO Alejandro Bombaci said, "Capgemini’s mobile development capabilities combined with SAP products and mobile strategy experience will produce a world-class mobile solution, which includes extensive process coverage and strong data integration, that should become the de-facto standard in the industry."