SAP applications are certified for use with Oracle Exadata Database Machine, in an ongoing commitment to provide customers with optimum performance.

With this, SAP applications based on NetWeaver 7.x certified with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 can now be deployed using Oracle Exadata Database Machines X2-2 and X2-8.

Oracle claims, by integrating the servers, storage, software and networking, Exadata provides a platform optimised for the most demanding database application environments, such as that found under SAP deployments.

Oracle Exadata offers: scale-out architecture of industry standard servers running Oracle Real Application Clusters; scale-out architecture of Oracle Exadata storage servers connected by an InfiniBand network.

It also offers terabytes of included Flash Memory that transparently accelerate I/O operations by an order of magnitude; and resource management features that help reduce IT costs by enabling large-scale database consolidation of ERP, CRM, SCM, data warehousing and mixed workloads.

Oracle claims Exadata can eliminate integration work, cost, and time from the database deployment process.

It also helps to eliminate hard-to-diagnose issues, as customer configurations are identical at the complete system level.

Oracle Database Server Technologies senior vice president Andrew Mendelsohn said Exadata runs all database workloads with extreme performance and reliability.

"It is the ideal platform for running the database under all SAP R3 applications, including ERP and Business Warehouse," Mendelsohn said.