Santa Cruz Operation Inc’s IXI-Visionware has unveiled a new version of the XVision PC X server with improved performance and a NetCheck feature that examines the network and optimises installation on the personal computer (CI No 2,525). XVision 6 includes Microsoft Corp TCP/IP VxD libraries, updated to support the latest X Image Extension and Network Audio Server to support multimedia Unix applications on the desktop. It ships on June 19 at from $500, and is the first product out of Santa Cruz’s merged X unit, which is now seeking a new name for itself. The integration of the IXI and VisionWare teams and technologies, overseen by IXI boss (now Santa Cruz Operation senior vice-president) Ray Anderson, is referred to as project EnVision. Within Santa Cruz Operation, the combine’s development unit is known as D2, development group two, D1 being Scott McGregor’s operating system team. Whether the combination will end up as EnVision isn’t known; there’s a branding brainstorm underway. IXI, incidentally, takes its name from Japanese underwear.