It is expected that this will allow mobile network operators, service and content providers to protect their content property rights and ensure that consumers gain access to premium content, such as pay-per-view movies, video clips, digital images, video games and MP3 music tracks, on their mobile phone or portable device.

SanDisk plans to integrate NDS’ mVideoGuard Mobile DRM technology, which lets service providers and mobile network operators offer business opportunities such as content subscriptions and metering functions, directly into its flash memory cards.

NDS’s Mobile DRM provides the high security needed by mobile operators to offer strong content protection and to offer new revenue generating opportunities, said Abe Peled, CEO of NDS. This is becoming increasingly important as service providers and mobile network operators seek to leverage their distribution capabilities in order to build revenue streams by providing downloadable content to their handset customers.

SanDisk said it will sample the new flash cards with NDS mVideoGuard Mobile DRM technology in Q3 and plans to begin production in Q4 2005. Pricing will also be announced at that time.