The company said the release comes as the result of Sanctum joining Sun’s iForce Perimeter Security Solution partner program in September. Sanctum, which competes with Kavado Inc and Teros Inc, says it is the only firm in its category in the Sun program.

AppShield is a reverse proxy that can be used at the edge of the data center to prevent application-level attacks, complementing the network-level firewall. The software observes application traffic and blocks potentially harmful messages.

CTO Steve Orrin said that users do not have to train the software as to what an attack looks like. AppShield creates its own acceptable use policies by looking at outbound HTTP traffic, say, and inferring what acceptable responses are. This can prevent attacks such as those that attempt to exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities, he said.

Sanctum senior VP of marketing and business development, Diane Fraiman, said that Sanctum, which has been around since 1997, has never directly made an appliance version of AppShield available, although some VARs have delivered it as an appliance. The company intends to make four models of the device available.

Source: Computerwire