Samsung N120 and N130 netbook PCs will be incorporated with SRS Labs TruSurround XT and WOW XT. TruSurround XT will produce surround sound over two speakers and WOW XT claims to improve stereo imaging and bass response.

SRS said that TruSurround XT can process multichannel content to improve sound over the netbooks. It also provides enhanced audio clarity and low frequency response which provides deep, rich bass. Dialog quality is also improved by incorporating a technology to lift the spoken word above the chaos of sound effects and background music.

SRS claims that WOW XT will improve the quality of mono and stereo audio playback on any mobile device by delivering rich bass for games and music. When using headphones, WOW XT is expected to enhance listening experience compared to the regular headphones.

Allen Gharapetian, vice president of marketing for SRS Labs, said: Consumers will now be able to enjoy natural sounding audio with superb bass response and virtual surround sound from their Samsung netbook PCs with SRS’ TruSurround XT and WOW XT audio solutions.