Samsung and Intrinsity have jointly announced, the new mobile processor core implementation of the dual-issue ARM Cortex-A8 processor architecture in 45 nanometer (nm) Low Power (LP) process technology.

The companies said that the Cortex-A8 implementation, code-named Hummingbird, offers 2000DMIPS at 1GHz. It comes with 32KB each of data and instruction caches, an L2 cache, the size of which can be customised, and an ARM NEON multi-media extension. Reportedly, Samsung is currently developing mobile SoC products using this new core.

The companies said that to achieve a 1GHz operating clock speed in 45nm LP process, the Hummingbird utilises a semi-custom design flow which involves custom designed circuit/memory structures, a set of customised primitive cells, RTL FastCore and Fast14 domino logic from Intrinsity in its implementation.

A multi-Vdd / multi-frequency design methodology was also used for the Hummingbird to run even at voltage of 1.0V, the companies added.

Reportedly, a synthesis flow which creates static logic with optimal timing and power was used to generate the gate-level view of the Hummingbird. With this flow, standard cell gates are placed to minimise wire delay and enhance speed.

In addition, a physical design integration flow which includes automated and optimised bus routing, driving, and re-buffering is used to generate the final design.

Bob Russo, CEO of Intrinsity: said: Not only is it the fastest available Cortex-A8 processor in an LP technology on the market, but we believe it has the lowest leakage and dynamic power consumption of any high-end mobile processor core out there.”