Samsung Electronics Co Ltd says it has finished work on a module to enable high-speed 64Mbit Rambus DRAM memory to be integrated with other chips on the same board, giving PC vendors greater design opportunities. Samsung has already created a 64Mbit Rambus DRAM Direct component that can be used on the module or separately from it but the new board allows other components to added alongside. The component, which operates at 900Mbits and 1Gbit per second compared with Rambus Inc’s 600/800Mbits specification, shipped to Intel Corp in May. Samsung is trumpeting the fact that its module uses the small beam lead bonded micro ball gate array packing which is conventionally restricted to ASIC and DSP chips. Following its success in the graphics and gaming industry, memory with Rambus’ high-bandwidth interface is expected to quickly become predominant in the PC industry. Rambus yesterday reported third quarter profits and revenues up sharply on last time.