Samsung and SK Telecom have joined hands to carry out joint research on the fifth generation (5G) mobile communications technology and service development.

The collaboration also calls for cooperation on sharing 5G vision with standardisation groups and technology forums, as well as to define and choose the appropriate frequency band for implementation of 5G.

Samsung senior vice president and head of Communications Research Team of DMC R&D Center Kyungwhoon Cheun said: "The 5G communications system needs an ecosystem where operators and manufacturers cooperate in areas of related standards, devices, network equipment, new services and etc.

"Through this opportunity of cooperation between the two companies, therefore, I believe Korea will continue to lead mobile communications network in 5G as it does in 4G."

In addition, companies will also carry out R&D, as well as trial on enabling technologies including the next generation small cell, massive MIMO and next-generation modulation/ demodulation, and develop large-volume and high-quality services of 5G and IoT.

The collaboration would also work to define and develop complete key performance indicators for the 5G network in a bid to guide the next generation technological evolution.

5G is believed to support 1000 times more data capacity as LTE at speeds higher than 1Gbps per user over a densely-connected network.

Through the joint research, SK Telecom plans to classify and develop detailed key performance indicators for the next generation network so as to lead technological evolution.

SK Telecom is planning to work on a range of immersive services including augmented reality (AR)/ virtual reality (VR), tele-presence and realistic, in addition to advanced-IoT technology.

SK Telecom ICT R&D Division head and SVP Alex Jinsung Choi said: "We expect the two companies, mobile carrier and mobile network manufacturer, will share vision for 5G through the joint research, thereby generate synergy effect in the development of the next generation telecommunications technology."