South Korean electronics giants Samsung and LG have mutually agreed to settle the ongoing dispute related to damaged washing machines.

The issue was raised when Samsung accused LG appliances chief Jo Seong-jin of vandalising the company’s Crystal Blue washing machines on the sidelines of an industry trade show last September in Berlin.

Samsung even went on to file a formal complaint seeking criminal punishment.

Later, LG went on to publish a surveillance video footage on YouTube trying to proove Jo’s innocence, but Samsung later claimed that LG edited the footage to misinterpret the incident.

The mutual agreement also includes display technology related disputes between the two companies. Earlier, LG’s Display unit accused Samsung Display employees of stealing organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology for which the employees were indicted last month.

Reuters cited the company’s joint statement as saying: "Both sides have agreed to avoid legal action and resolve any future conflicts or disputes through dialogue and mutual agreement."

According to reports, in the past couple of years the companies have fought to outdo one another, with claims about what their products were capable of and how it was better than the others, and who was selling more devices.