In a counter move to Apple’s lawsuit against it last week over design patent infringements, Samsung has sued Apple claiming patent infringements.

Samsung has said that Apple’s iPhone and iPad infringe 10 mobile technology patents and has sought to stop Apple from doing so and also compensate the company.

Samsung has filed the patent lawsuits in South Korea, Japan and Germany which included power reduction during data transmission, 3G technology for reducing errors during data transmission, and wireless data communication technology.

The company said, "Samsung is responding actively to the legal action taken against us in order to protect our intellectual property and to ensure our continued innovation and growth in the mobile communications business."

Apple declined to comment on the matter.

Though Apple is still a leader in the tablet market which it created, Samsung has risen sharply with new tablets powered by Google’s Android OS. Samsung is also a supplier of chips and LCD displays for phones and mobile devices, with Apple being one of its clients.

Last week, Apple had filed a lawsuit in a US federal court against Samsung alleging that the South Korean company’s Galaxy line of smartphones and tablet computers infringe patents and copy the trademarked design of its iPhone and iPad.

Apple had said Samsung products infringe seven patents in user interface, including selecting, scrolling, pinching and zooming, and three patents on the design, including the flat black face of the iPhone and iPad.

Apple said the blatant copying of its products is a deliberate attempt to benefit from its research.

The company has sought unspecified damages and an order stopping Samsung from infringing on its patents and trademarks.

In the complaint, Apple has sought cash compensation and "reasonable funds for future corrective advertising."