US sale force automation software developer SalesLogix Corp has strengthened its customer relationship management product line, paying Symantec Corp $80m for its ACT software which enables salespeople to manage customer sales leads.

The deal will give Scottsdale, Arizona-based SalesLogix three million new customers of ACT. SalesLogix chief executive Pat Sullivan called ACT a great seeding product and said the company would use it to attract ACT customers further up the value chain. SalesLogix plans to have integrated the software into the rest of its product set by February.

Utilities software maker Symantec said it was divesting itself of the software in order to concentrate on two strategic lines of business, the scanning and filtering for content security, including its anti-virus software, and its remote device management business. SalesLogix will pay Cupertino, California-based Symantec $60m cash over four years and $20m in stock.