has launched Salesforce Identity to provide integrated identity services to connect every employee, customer and partner to any app, on any device.

Built on the Salesforce Platform, Salesforce Identity eliminates complex identity silos, enabling CIOs to deliver a simple, productive and customised user experience across every web, mobile and on-premise app.

Customer companies, such as New England Biolabs, Sierra Club and Varsity Brands, use Salesforce Identity to centrally manage the proliferation of apps and devices that are transforming how businesses connect.

"The traditional information boundaries of a company are evaporating as new apps and devices have revolutionised how employees, customers and partners are interacting and sharing business data," said Mike Rosenbaum, EVP of Salesforce Platform, "Salesforce Identity enables CIOs to accelerate this enterprise transformation with a single scalable identity solution for the connected world — directly from the cloud platform they trust."

ave Simon, IT director, Sierra Club, said: "Sierra Club has grown to become the largest grassroots environmental organisation on the planet, and empowering and connecting each of our 2.1 million members and supporters plays a critical role in our success. Salesforce Identity will greatly facilitate our efforts to connect to our members and build meaningful communities around their environmental preservation interests."

Legacy identity management solutions created well-defined boundaries around who, what and how employees could access critical business information. For decades, CIOs relied on these solutions to provision access across a finite number of on-premise apps and devices.

However, the cloud and mobile revolution introduced a wide range of new, unsupported apps and devices to the enterprise which legacy solutions are incapable of managing. This forced IT organisations to painfully manage multiple identity silos, resulting in disconnected app experiences that decrease user productivity.

In addition, employees are connecting with customers and partners, sharing critical business information using apps and devices that the IT organisation has not provisioned, adding yet another level of complexity and identity proliferation for the enterprise. Companies need a single identity solution for this new connected world, capable of centrally managing the growing number of apps, devices and identities accessing business information today.