Software AG (SAG) has integrated its XML-based information server, X-Machine, with DataChannel’s web publishing software, RIO, and is to sell a combined product designed to store and retrieve data in XML form more efficiently. The German software vendor signed the non-exclusive sales agreement with the US-based XML software company following co-operation between the two since late last year on integrating the two products.

DataChannel’s RIO web publishing software provides browser access to information stored in office applications or databases. The software allows data to be published on intranets or extranets according to defined categories, somewhat simplifying the process of web publishing. RIO usually converts data in standard SQL formats into XML format before publishing or storing it.

XML data involves complex types such as sound and video and so cannot be stored in the sort of tables format used by relational databases, explained a Software AG spokesperson. It is commonly stored by converting to another structure, for example SQL, but this is very inefficient. Combining RIO with SAG’s X-machine information server, which stores XML data in its original form, RIO can transact data in XML format, which improves response times when the data is viewed or queried. The method leads to a lot of duplication in data storage, but increases performance.

Software AG will market the product to any companies with intranets or extranet-connected distributed office locations. The X-Machine supported version 3.2 of RIO will ship in the third quarter this year, with price to be determined.