As e-commerce continues its explosive growth and the need for the deployment of broadband Internet access, digital media, application services, and distributed storage area networks expands, Internet security solutions will accelerate dramatically over the next 12 to 18 months. Networking equipment residing at the network access edge will require high data-rate security applications that run at gigabit speeds and beyond.

The combination of SafeNet’s SecureIP technology and Corrent’s technology provides a powerful and extensible product offering, said Mike Kaplan, Chief Technology Officer of SafeNet. Continued licensing of our technology will give OEM development customers the ability to continue to provide faster silicon security solutions to their customers using high-speed security processors. In addition, SafeNet’s applications software will provide those customers with a quick and efficient integration of Corrent’s high-speed silicon products.

Corrent’s products are aimed at high data-rate security applications running at gigabit speeds. The scaleable, channelized, high-performance cryptographic core performs streaming and block cipher encryption at the fastest data rates in the industry-capable of over 10 million packets per second.

SafeNet’s industry-proven SecureIP technology with Corrent’s Internet security processors provide critically needed time-to-market value for our customer’s, said Richard Takahashi, president and CEO of Corrent Corporation. In today’s market, it’s not enough to provide good silicon. Companies must also provide a complete development environment which include device drivers and other middleware, security-related libraries, and a common API set for applications.