The problem with special arrangements that are made in compensation for something else going wrong is that when they too go wrong, one feels loath to kick up too much of a fuss again, but the IBM 3090s at a bank that shall remain nameless really managed to screw up the affairs of a former colleague: the bank gave her an interest-free loan after it managed to mess up her affairs, setting up the standing order on her current account to repay the principal; the loan account closed in March, but the bank failed to end the standing order to it, and while a standing order stands, the cash has to go somewhere so it goes into what the bank calls a RAM account, and the random access mechanism looks around until it finds a suitable account in which to dump the cash, which in our colleague’s case was fortunately another of her own accounts; she now has an unprintable name for the RAMA/C, and says the bank has left her feeling thoroughly Rumpoleaxed.