Fidessa now delivers IOIs directly to buy-side traders, fully integrated into an execution management system which enables traders to search for large block liquidity quickly and minimize market risk. Fidessa EMS also allows the buy-side trader to trade a chosen IOI with a simple double click. Royalblue says that this provides a fast, efficient and error-free method for the trader to route large block orders back to the originating broker for execution.

The new service means users of Fidessa EMS are now able to receive IOI and TA flow directly from any of 50 direct connections on the Fidessa network, including blue chip names such as ABN Amro, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.

Fidessa EMS is a broker-neutral execution management system targeted at buy-side trading desks. Provided as a fully managed and hosted service, EMS offers order handling and trading tools, and facilitates execution through the care, DMA and algorithmic services of over 170 brokers worldwide.

Royalblue says that the Fidessa product suite provides multi-asset trading, market data and connectivity services to over 9,300 users at 260 institutions worldwide and is used by over 85% of global tier-one equity brokers.