The Boom Box features five applications designed to enable users to add podcasts and internet radio broadcasts to their portable music collections. It also converts web pages, emails and other text-based documents into audio files that can be made into portable audio books.

Roxio said the technology also features a CD Spin Doctor, which allows iPod owners to digitize vintage vinyl and tape recordings, detect tracks, remove unwanted noise and enhance overall sound quality.

Another feature is a personal, portable DJ called the MusicMagic Mixer. This application analyzes acoustic elements of each song in a user’s collection to automatically generate complementary playlists.

The Boom Box also includes an Audio Hijack that captures internet radio shows in real-time, an iPodderX which enables users to subscribe to podcasts and have them automatically delivered to their desktop, and an iSpeak It tool, which can be used to convert text-based documents into spoken word audio files or create personal audio books.

Roxio will stand out in the thriving market of over 500 iPod accessories that until now has focused largely on personalizing the outside of the device, said Dave Habiger, president of Roxio’s parent company Sonic Solutions. The Boom Box is a versatile suite that focuses on the inside of the iPod and promotes greater music enjoyment and delivers refreshing new audio experiences.