On bland chat shows and hustings cunning, I saw a man who wasn’t running; he wouldn’t run again today – I wish that man would run away… The vacillations of Ross Perot, variously described as looking like a hand grenade with a bad haircut and dubbed the Yellow Ross of Texas, have led him to turn full circle and come close to re-entering the race for the White House that he never actually entered in the first place – his name is now on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia – and polls suggest that if he were to declare his candidacy, the Perotest vote would be a potentially decisive 18%: while his abrasive but elusive presence has greatly cheered what would otherwise have been a very dull campaign, he has done nothing to increase respect for the great and the good of the computer industry, so little so indeed that he runs the risk of being arraigned by a jury of his peers on a charge of bringing the entire data processing industry into disrepute.