A new AMPs-800 standard cellular network called Bee-Line-Rostov has been founded in the Southern Russian city of Rostov. The network was launched by the ROSS company, Rostovskaya Sotovaya Svyaz and has similar Russian investors to its larger cousin, Bee-Line, in Moscow; ROSS was created in 1993 by several defense industry enterprises in the Rostov-on-Donu region. Millicom International Cellular Inc of Luxembourg provided technical assistance. Meanwhile the Moscow-based AMPs Bee-Line network says it has increased the number of subscribers to its cellualr network to 20,000 from 15,000 in the last half of 1995, an increase linked to an expansion of infrastructure in which the number of Bee- Line base stations was increased to 50. The company says that it now also no longer has a waiting list.
