Rolfe & Nolan Computer Services Plc has shaken off the last vestiges of hangover from Meltdown Monday, turning in lusty interims showing a 48% jump in pre-tax profit to UKP517,000; and, very comfortably for a company with annual sales running at only about UKP5m, cash balances now exceed UKP1.9m, up from UKP1.6m at year-end. Fuelling the growth is the new West German futures and options exchange, where the company’s hopeful noises of a few months ago have turned to hard orders from no fewer than 12 banks planning to operate on the new Deutsche Terminbrse opening in January – and the company is confident that there are more orders where those came from. And despite the fact that two major clients for the bureau service withdrew from the London futures and options market, bureau business is still ahead of budget for the first three months of the second half. The company has also invested UKP500,000 in a new DEC VAX 6410 to replace an ageing VAX-11/780 and MicroVAX bureau machines. A second similar system is set for installation in mid-1990.