C++ and Java development tools company Rogue Wave Software Inc has now completed the acquisition of Morrisville, North Carolina- based Stingray Software Inc it announced back in January (CI No 3,330). Stingray common stockholders exchanged all their stock for 1,651,845 shares of Rogue Wave common stock, in a transaction valued at approximately $21m. The buy makes Rogue Wave the biggest software component vendor on the market, by its own reckoning. It expands Rogue Wave’s product lines to include additional support for Microsoft Windows developers, using Stringray’s add on libraries for the Microsoft Foundation Classes and graphical user interface controls. Stingray also offers Active X components and several Java class libraries, and recently launched Visual CASE, a UML modeling tool for Visual C++. Stingray, said to be profitable, was co-founded in 1995 by president and chief executive Scott Wingo, one of the earliest employees at Windows under Unix software house Bristol Technology Inc.