Rogue Wave Software Inc jumped the JavaOne gun yesterday and came out with three new Java products in advance of the show, which starts today in San Francisco, California. Grid.J 2.0 is an upgrade of the Grid/J product from Rogue Wave’s recent acquisition, Stingray Software Inc, and adds the ability to turn a grid into a full function spreadsheet. Blend.J 2.0 is the integration of Rogue Wave’s Jwidgets and Stringray’s Blend product, which now includes 25 controls for Java developers. And StudioJ is a new suite of Java components again combining the technologies of Rogue Wave and Stingray for GUI development, data analysis, charting and database access. It includes Grid.J, Blend.J, Chart.J and DBTools.J. Rogue Wave acquired privately- owned Stingray in January of this year for $21m (CI No 3,330), and completed the transaction this month, making it, by its own reckoning, the biggest software component vendor on the market. The company has just moved its headquarters to Boulder, Colorado.